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Drink driving offences

Have you been charged with a High Range Drink Driving Offence (High Range PCA) and you need to go to Court?


A High Range PCA can result in a loss of licence for a period of 12 months or more.  At its highest, a roadside breath test in the high range may also attract a custodial sentence, particularly if it is your second drink driving offence within 5 years.


The effects of losing one’s licence for this length of time can be extremely difficult in terms of loss of income, should you require your licence for work purposes, not to mention the difficulties of managing family commitments and balancing everyday life if you can no longer drive for a long period of time, especially in country areas that have little or no public transport, and the driving distances are long. 


If you have been charged with a high range drink driving offence, Anne-Alece can give you the benefit of her skilled legal advice as to how you may receive a shorter period of disqualification, to enable you to resume your place in the workforce and continue with everyday life. 




Mid-range, Low range, Special and Novice range drink driving offences


All of these drink driving offences carry specific terms of driver licence disqualification, and The Courts can be quite tough on these offences.  Any drink driving offence is always taken seriously, because drink driving can result in a loss of life and serious injury to individuals and communities.


Irrespective of the type of drink driving offence or category of driver licence held at the time you were charged, make an appointment to see Anne-Alece who can help you to get your driver licence reinstated, and or prevention of a full-time custodial sentence.


Speak to Anne-Alece at Northern Rivers Law on: (02) 6669 1071

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